Google’s Book Search: A Disaster for Scholars

Such examples don’t exhaust Google’s metadata errors by any means. In addition to the occasionally quizzical renamings of works (Moby Dick: or the White Wall), there are a number of mismatches of titles and texts. Click on the link for the 1818 Théorie de l'Univers, a work on cosmology by the Napoleonic mathematician and general Jacques Alexander François Allix, and it takes you to Barbara Taylor Bradford’s 1983 novel Voice of the Heart, while the link on a misdated number of Dickens’s Household Words takes you to a 1742 Histoire de l’Académie Royale des Sciences. Numerous entries mix up the names of authors, editors, and writers of introductions, so that the “about this book” page for an edition of one French novel shows the striking attribution, “Madame Bovary By Henry James.” More mysterious is the entry for a book called The Mosaic Navigator: The Essential Guide to the Internet Interface, which is dated 1939 and attributed to Sigmund Freud and Katherine Jones. The only connection I can come up with is that Jones was the translator of Freud’s Moses and Monotheism, which must have somehow triggered the other sense of the word “mosaic,” though the details of the process leave me baffled.

Geoffrey Nunberg, “Google’s Book Search: A Disaster for Scholars
The Chronicle of Higher Education, August 31, 02009

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