First Official #marketing Meeting

Yesterday the marketing team had its first official IRC meeting on #marketing. The goal was to discuss how to pursue our nascent promotional efforts and I think we successfully did so. The plan for the next few months is to grow the amount of promotional material around one theme: GNOME, software for everyone. The consensus was that we should start relatively small by moving towards a better representation of the project in traditional FOSS circles – LUG members, students. Look for a Super Bowl ad in 2006 but not earlier.

For the time being, “software for everyone” is a theme more than a slogan. But it might stick. Its polysemy – “software designed so that anyone can use it” and “free software available to anyone” – is actually growing on me. That theme is to be developed around three points: freedom, ease of use, and accessibility. Stylistically there is no formal definition of what we’re trying to achieve. Successful designs will survive.

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